Qualities vs. Qualifications
Far too often in the hiring process, management only seeks out resumes of current leaders. Qualifications are necessary but don’t always equate to the right person for a good office environment. If a resume can’t distinguish the potential leaders from the toxic colleagues we want to avoid, how can we make sure we hire the right people?
Look for qualities instead of just previous job titles.
The Team vs the “Me” Mentality
True leaders seek honesty and good communication over the limelight. They inherently know these qualities generate a successful team. Ask any successful business startup employee or National Championship winning teammate. When asked in interviews how they succeeded, a similar answer presents itself time and time again: the right people in each position created an unstoppable group chemistry.
Seeking someone with a dynamite resume and previous qualifications can be a great place to start. Nevertheless, keep in mind the underdog with the willingness to work often gets overlooked.
The Worker vs The Credit Seeker
Beginning as early as high school group projects, there often ends up being only a few people doing the majority of the work on a major enterprise. Think back to previous teams you’ve worked on. It’s easy to identify the person who skirted by, doing minimal work, just to receive the same grade or recognition as the brains behind a project. While we’ve already identified the limelight-seeker as not always the most team-oriented colleague, consider who that person worked with. Can you identify the main supplier of the project’s information? The person who worked while others texted on their phone, appearing to work? Delving behind the appearances of seemingly successful people and instead discovering their work ethic is a good place to start.
Internal Potential Leaders vs New Hires
We’ve all met someone whose appearances don’t match who they really are. Often, we realize this after they’ve been hired. Therefore, where is a better place to start than those that have already been hired? We spend eight+ hours a day with colleagues, know how they handle situations, and if they have a willingness to work or not. Identifying these employees can help you begin a Leadership Development Program in your company.
Hiring managers don’t often identify the potential in their internal hub before other companies do, luring them away with a new job title and salary. This is where having your own mentorship or leadership program can generate unprecedented success.
A Leadership Development Program
Consider the employees who step up and show a willingness to serve as mentors. These individuals are excellent leadership candidates simply for stepping up but don’t stop the analysis there. Evaluate them long term and find out what motivates them to succeed. This vital piece of information can help get them into the right position in your company, even though they don’t currently hold that job title.
Moving people out of drudgery into a dream role–that’s our job as leaders.
For additional insight on getting your leadership development strategy up and running, reach out today for a consultation.
Phone: (646) 883-2927
Email: [email protected]