
Author: Back 2

Why HR Managers and Executives Need Outside Recruiting to Enhance Their Talent Pool

  • by back2
  • May 31, 2023
  • Hiring
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In the quest for organizational success, building a talented and dynamic team is crucial. HR managers and executives play a pivotal role in shaping their company's workforce. While internal recruiting strategies have their merits, harnessing the power of outside recruiting can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why HR managers and executives should embrace outside recruiting to enhance their talent acquisition efforts, foster effective team building, and pave the way for long-term success. Let's...

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Why Your Business Needs to Improve Talent Like the NFL:  A Guide to Successful Talent Acquisition

  • by back2
  • February 18, 2023
  • Hiring
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In the world of American football, the National Football League (NFL) is known for its rigorous talent acquisition process, particularly when it comes to the younger players who’ve quickly established themselves and have made a difference for their teams. Players like Patrick Mahomes, Nick Bosa, and Josh Allen are just a few of the better-known players. However, there are many more out there who are early in their development process and will help transform their teams in the coming years. All...

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Work Remote ? – The Workers Say Yes

As someone who runs a recruiting company, I interview roughly 6-10 candidates a day and my recruiters do at least the same. What we are hearing is really not surprising, candidates are telling their companies that things have changed and the way ahead is to work remote. In fact, just release and article that reinforces what we're seeing - "Give Me Remote Work or Give Me Another Job" A short paragraph from the article tells it all; "The respondents...

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Why Ridgeback Helps Others

In a recent interview with award winning Journalist - Sarina Fazan, CEO Tom Daly discusses "Why" Ridgeback helps others build great teams. As many of you may have seen on Ted Talk, Simon Sinek believes the most important answer isn't what you do but why you do it. If you're looking to learn more about how Ridgeback can help you build some great teams, then contact us now. Phone: (646) 883-2927 or Email: [email protected]  

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The 8-Step Recruiting Process

I'm regularly asked how we succeed in finding our clients great talent so I figured I'd post the key to our success - Ridgeback's 8-Step Recruiting process. The 8-Step Process was put together by reviewing best practices looking for the best approach so we can plug into a client's recruiting process without causing friction or slowing their system. What we've found is that our process becomes the backbone of our clients system and therefore have become committed to it as...

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How to Defeat High Recruiting Fee’s

  • by back2
  • August 26, 2020
  • Recruiting
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  A Case-Study How One Client Saved Over $200,000 in Recruiting Fees I'm often asked - "Why should we choose Ridgeback Recruiting to be one of our third party recruiting vendors? " That's a fair question and my answer is quite simple - "because we can find your company the best talent while saving you tens of thousands of dollars." Now seeing that's such a bold statement, I figured I should provide a case study to show how we did...

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What is SMART Recruiting?

"SMART" Recruiting Solutions SMART Recruiting is a service provided by Ridgeback Business Solutions that provides Great Results at Industry Low Fee's Be SMART First off, the acronym for SMART simply represents a philosophy that will provide a SoundMethodologyAchievingResultsToday In order to “Get SMART” you simply need to follow the four simple principles identified below. You must Outsource certain tasks to offload overhead.Think of your outsourced party more as a Strategic Partner than just a third party vendor. True Strategic partners realize the importance of your success...

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Scott Jensen – “Member Spotlight” Scott Jensen - Friends in Commerce Member in the Spotlight Friends in Commerce is a private “Network of Networks” primarily made up of US military veterans, first responders, philanthropists for veteran causes(and other loyal Americans) who operate on a foundation of “Honor and Integrity”.  As a “Network of Network’s”, Friends in Commerce serves as the hub of a series of personal and professional networks that are meant to assist its members in their business development efforts. Network members operate under the premise that business development efforts are an extension...

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IVMF Community Services

  • by back2
  • July 1, 2020
  • IVMF
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IVMF's Community Services Program Service, integrity, and accountability, are stressed at every level in the US military. Outside the military, the service aspect of these important traits is supported by Syracuse University through the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) Community Services Program. At IVMF, Community Services focus on helping veterans positively affect themselves and their communities. This is done through a variety of different avenues, one of those being through working with AmericaServes. AmericaServes AmericaServes provides Veteran Community...

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Are You a Veteran Business Owner?

  • by back2
  • June 11, 2020
  • IVMF
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Veteran Business Owner? Whether you are or aren't, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University has you covered. They have established a tremendous series of programs to support those who want to become a veteran business owner or already have their own business. As you may have read in our earlier posts, IVMF has four major programs that focus on supporting veterans in their post military pursuits (Entrepreneurship, Career Training, Community Services, and Higher Education). Today’s...

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