
Author: Back 2

Friends in Commerce – The Way Ahead

  • by back2
  • June 8, 2020
  • Networking
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Many of our readers know we support a group for military veteran business owners and executives called "Friends in Commerce". This group is an excellent way for these veterans to leverage each others networks to either advance their careers or grow their business so this post is about Friends in Commerce – Growth, Expansion, and The Way Ahead Why is this important to our group members? Because, where we are going will provide them a tremendous opportunity to grow and leverage...

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A Veterans Path to Business Success

  • by back2
  • June 2, 2020
  • IVMF
  • Comments: ( 1 )

As stated in our post last week, so many veterans exit the military without knowing what to do or even how to start their own business if they wanted to. Thankfully, there are organizations like Syracuse University's, Institute for Veterans and Military Families, (IVMF) that do. Veterans and Business IVMF is the focal point of a historic commitment to serving veterans and their families. It was founded in 2011 and serves veterans across the country and beyond. They have built...

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IVMF – For Veterans & Families

  • by back2
  • May 28, 2020
  • Veteran
  • Comments: ( 1 )

I first came across the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) several years ago as I was searching online for Lean Six Sigma certification programs. To say I was stunned when I came across IVMF's website and programs would be a HUGE understatement. I had no idea this organization with its exceptional programs existed and the resources just don't support our military service and former service members, it also supports their families! I was so impressed by what they...

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“How To” Create Great Video’s

Our own Maggie Wolgamot made this video demonstrating how easy it is for any business to create great video's. It's true that businesses must evolve with the times or die out and in 2019, we saw that happening with online content consisting of approximately 80 percent video marketing. Also mobile consumption of video content continually rises by 100 percent annually. So is your business taking advantage of good video content? If not, then maybe it should. Consider the following statistics: Video...

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Website Security – Is Your’s Secure?

  • by back2
  • April 13, 2020
  • marketing
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We've all heard a lot about website security over the past years but is your site secure. We always use WordPress for our websites because of the ease of use in updating content and posting blogs. But to my surprise, even the websites with the lowest amount of traffic get regular visitors from non customers and with all the hard work you've put into your website and company messaging, you obviously aren't wanting any intruders. The image to the right...

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What I’ve Learned During the “Corona Quarantine”

  • by back2
  • April 12, 2020
  • Life
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Today is Easter and four weeks ago today, my wife and I returned from a trip to our daughters and went into what I refer to as the "corona quarantine". For some reason, this emergency caught my attention early on. Maybe it's because I'm in my early 60's and that's the age they were saying where the mortality rates began to really increase. Maybe it's because of the videos my son was sending me from Twitter in February that showed...

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Happy Easter!

  • by back2
  • April 11, 2020
  • marketing
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How to Assess the COVID Impact on Your Business

  • by back2
  • March 30, 2020
  • consulting
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"Decision making requires both the situational awareness to recognize the essence of a given problem and the creative ability to devise a practical solution" 1 How to Assess Your Company's Status So, COVID- 19 is here and what are you - a small business owner - supposed to do? First off, take a look at a post we wrote yesterday that addressed crisis management for times like these. Also, with so much negative news coming from all directions, it's...

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Find the Opportunity in this Crisis

Crisis Management It's clear we are on the front end of a very bad crisis and during times like this, I can't help but keep in mind how true the old saying is - "Your health is your wealth". Even though that's a very true statement, those of us who are small business owners are taking it on the chin as just about every corner of the world is shutting down in order to overcome the crisis at hand. While...

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Is Your Web Content and Copy Working?

  • by back2
  • March 6, 2020
  • marketing
  • Comments: ( 0 )

Web Copy and Web Content   Is there a difference between web copy and web content? You bet there is. Web copy is wording that’s used to engage/entice the readers while web content is meant to support the copy that’s on your website. Web copy is created by using creative words and sentences that are designed to have your visitor conduct some form of predetermined action.  It typically has a single purpose – which is to drive your web visitors...

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